Friday 4 July 2008


Have you ever just walked a day in her red shoes?
Glancing back as she walks past; a meaningless youth
You don't know her, but somehow she just seems familiar
Then she turns and her dark eyes, they gaze into yours
See her soul bare itself as it slowly unfurls
Disconnected. It cries out, so desperate for answers.

Cause this life has no words to describe how to live and we
move so fast, it's like we're cars on a freeway
Never looking to the sky as we pass it by
Maybe it's time to just stop and stare
*insert two more lines*

See that boy who lives in the house right next to yours
As he ravages his life with this meaningless noise
No one hears him, screaming for more than he's getting
Then he tries oh-so-hard just to turn things around
Counting days as he cleans out the filth from the ground
Unrelenting. Changing his world for the better

Cause this life has no words to describe how to live and we
move so fast, it's like we're cars on a freeway
Never looking to the sky as we pass it by
Maybe it's time to just stop and stare
*insert two more lines*

-to be continued-

words in italics may be edited.

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