Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Man Who Can't Be Moved.

I remember her face when she left.

The sad look in her eyes, with crystal-like tears trailing down her beautiful cheeks, the bitter taste in my mouth as she turned to leave, the hard lump in my throat as I grabbed her by the hand and asked her, no, begged and pleaded with her to stay.

Then, she turned. And I remember the thing that hurt the most.
The two words that changed everything that I knew.

"It's over."

I let go of her hand, my heart crumbling as I watched the best thing that had ever happened to me walk away. A rush of emotions washes over me. It hits me like a deer caught in the headlights. Like a shot to the head and a punch to the gut.

I watch her as her figure slowly faded away from view and I finally realize something. Like a rude awakening that I have been eluding for years, that finally caught up with me as my very life made a sudden standstill.

I am now alone.

And boy, does it hurt like hell.


I can feel her on my skin

I can taste her on my tongue
She’s the sweetest taste of sin
The more I get the more I want
She wants to own me
Come closer.
- Ne-Yo “Closer”

Flashing neon lights like lasers cutting through bodies on the dance floor. Writhing, swaying, grinding up against one another as rhythmic beats spilled out of giant speakers, contrived from a variety of tracks mixed by a DJ, safely elevated upon a platform of sound. Far away from the heat. Far away from the discomfort of the hungry crowd as they begged for more.

The alcohol. Blue flames lighting up under transparent glasses, inebriating the sad, shaking being who took a chance and dived into the drink of the devil head on. A close brush with hell and heaven on earth as sinful beings continue shooting liquid demons down their raw throats, searing it, setting it aflame albeit momentarily.

The thumping bass line continues to enervate the horde of beings as they succumb further to their own desires. A scantily dressed girl walks towards me as I sit at the bar downing yet another alcoholic concoction which name escapes me. I recognized her as yet another one of those people who had a devil-may-care attitude about what the consequences were, as long as they had a good time and suckered someone else into doing the same.

Another one of those temptations of the flesh.

As she drew closer, her alabaster skin appeared all the more translucent in the dimly lit room, further accentuated by ebony curls cascading over her shoulders. I also notice the sharp, defined features of her face, the high bridge of her nose, the feline quality of her kohl-rimmed green eyes, ruby-red lips slightly parted. The very epitome of a classic beauty, I think to myself. Or maybe it's just the alcohol talking.

The next thing I know, she's grabbing me by the back of my neck and enveloping me in her scent. I breathe in the sweet aroma of jasmine and vanilla as the taste of her ravages my senses. Her hands grasping my face, we devour each other as though it were our last day on earth, igniting a passion within me that has been missing for far too long.

I smile to myself and welcome it. I embrace it like an old friend as I allow myself to be drawn further into the dark temptation of sin to an unfathomable depth.

The funny thing is, I didn't even try to escape it.

In fact, I reveled in the idea. I rejoiced.


I awaken with an intense, throbbing pain pulsating through my temples. Ignoring it, I throw the covers over my head as I attempt to escape the harsh light that is now spilling onto the wooden floor of my bedroom, illuminating it like a torch.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I carefully roll out of bed, attempting to tenderly massage the pain that burned within my head away.


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